Applied Microbiology International has announced that it has recruited 11 new Global Ambassadors from around the world.


Global ambassadors have a range of expertise and knowledge across regions and sectors, and support and promote applied microbiology and our organisation.

Experience and expertise

Chief executive Dr Lucy Harper explains: “Our Global Ambassadors help us to reach new audiences, grow our membership and engage a breadth of experience and expertise to deliver our desired impact. 

“Individually, they are deeply committed to their unique area of expertise. Collectively, they share our passion and belief that applied microbiology can solve the world’s greatest challenges. 

“Our Global Ambassadors have been appointed to help amplify our campaigns, support our purpose and accelerate discoveries across, and with, our international membership.”

Global Ambassadors serve for a two-year tenure promoting AMI’s strategy and are a key source of information about our work. They play a pivotal role in our communication strategy and are equipped with marketing materials and merchandise to assist in growing membership in their regions. 

Over the coming weeks, The Microbiologist will be running articles on each of our new Global Ambassadors. We are also still looking for Global Ambassadors from a variety of regions! To find out more, click HERE.

Meet our new Global Ambassadors

Prof. Alexandre Rosado (1)

Alexandre S. Rosado - Saudi Arabia 

Professor of Bioscience, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 

Charles Osunla GA (1)

Ayodeji Charles Osunla - Canada

Postdoctoral Fellow and Project Manager at the Toxicology Center at the University of Saskatchewan 


Sergio Luiz Alves Junior GA Pic (1)

 Sérgio Luiz Alves Jr – Brazil 

Associate Professor at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS) 


Ahmed_Shibl_AMI GA AG (1)

Ahmed Shibl - United Arab Emirates (UAE) 

Research Associate, NYU Abu Dhabi Institute (NYUAD), currently consultant at KAUST, Saudi Arabia  


Durgesh Jaiswal (1)


Durgesh Kumar Jaiswal – India 

Assistant Professor, Graphic Era (Deemed to be University) 


Ashley Shade GA (1)

Ashley Shade – France 

Director of Research at the Institute of Ecology and the Environment within Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 


Suni Matthew GA (1)

Suni Mathew – Finland 

Senior Researcher at the University of Turku 


Chris Greening 2 (1)

Chris Greening – Australia 

Professor, Department of Microbiology/Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University 


Ramy Aziz

Ramy K. Aziz – Egypt  

Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University and Head, Microbiology and Immunology Research Program, Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) 


George Botsaris

George Botsaris – Cyprus 

Associate Professor, Dean of Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management, Cyprus University of Technology 


Arsalan Zaidi

Arsalan Zaidi – Pakistan  

Principal Scientist, National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 

We are still looking for Global Ambassadors! To find out more, click HERE.