All Whole genome sequencing articles – Page 2

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    Genome studies uncover common ancestor for 600 scattered fungal species


    About 600 seemingly disparate fungi that never found a good fit along the fungal family tree have been shown to have a common ancestor, according to a University of Alberta-led research team that used genome sequencing to give these peculiar lifeforms their own taxonomical grouping.

  • E coli

    Viruses deploy CRISPR system to thwart bacterial defences


    Researchers have shown that viruses engineered with a CRISPR-Cas system can thwart bacterial defenses and make selective changes to a targeted bacterium – even when other bacteria are in close proximity.

  • Skulls

    London's hidden plague pits


    Bunhill Fields cemetery in the City Road is a quiet haven on the edge of the City of London, mainly attracting office workers seeking lunchtime tranquility or possibly a shortcut to the Artillery Arms pub in Bunhill Row.