All Virology articles
Simulation model shows potential affordability of preventative HIV therapy for infants
A type of cost-effective HIV neutralizing antibodies was evaluated to prevent the viral infection in infants during breastfeeding in high HIV prevalance countries. This treatment option is comparatively cheaper and has high clinical impacts in high HIV burden settings to achieve global elimination.
Movie reveals DNA unzipping mechanism with implications for viral and cancer treatments
A detailed unwinding mechanism of the double-stranded DNA has been uncovered for the first time using cutting-edge technology, revealing how cells begin the crucial process of copying their genetic material.
H5N1 influenza viral lineages beginning to evade human immunological defenses
A new computer modelling approach predicts the protein-antibody interactions of the potentially pandemic-causing H5N1 avian influenza virus lineage. It helps to understand the viral evolution to ensure high vaccine efficacy.
Study finds new targets needed for vaccine to prevent herpesvirus transmission to babies
Despite the lack of research on vaccines against congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV), a research has recently discovered that the virus is able to cause cross-placental transmission even with the absence of multple essential proteins, providing insights for future vaccine development.
Older adults might be more resistant to bird flu infections than children
Previous exposures to seasonal flu strains could prime the immune system to produce antibodies against the current version of H5N1 avian influenza virus in older adults, whilst children would benefit more from H5N1 vaccinations.
Fungal compound could help protect against influenza
A preclinical trial uncovers how beta-glucan, a compound found in all fungal cell wall, can ‘reprogram’ immune cells to prevent lung inflammation from influenza and lower the risk of death by the host immune responses.
Could microRNAs help us understand why different birds react differently to being infected with bird flu?
Since microRNA was found to have a role in cell protein production, a connection between microRNA and birds infected with bird flu has been found in ruddy turnstones, which has significance with respect to the spread of bird flu due to their long distance flights.
NIH awards $20.6 million grant to establish Human Virome Characterization Center at UCLA
NIH has awarded a $20.6 million grant over five years to establish one of five Human Virome Characterization Centers to advance understanding of the virome’s role in human health and disease across the oral-gut-brain axis.
The hunt narrows for Ebola virus hosts
A cholesterol-trafficking receptor, Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1), was identified for more efficient surveillance of host reservoirs of filoviruses, including Ebolaviruses. It narrows down the host species of the virus and links to the geographic information of pathogen emergence.
‘Perfect storm’ of mutations drives infection-triggered autoimmune disease
Scientists have discovered how a hepatitis C infection causes autoimmune disease, disproving a long-standing theory and opening a promising new approach to developing treatments for autoimmune conditions.
Hepatitis E vaccination is effective in an epidemic
A case-control study has proved the effectiveness of the two-doses Hecolin vaccine against a potential hepatitis E outbreak.
New study reveals how COVID-19 variants hijack human cells
A research team has successfully mapped what they call the “hijackome”, detailing how SARS-CoV-2 variants exploit specific cellular pathways.
Experts develop laboratory toolkit for patients with viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Marburg virus disease
New resource provides guidance for healthcare facilities to perform basic laboratory testing in a safe and effective manner for patients at risk for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers.
Structural biology analysis of a Pseudomonas bacterial virus reveals a genome ejection motor
Bacterial viruses, known as phages, are the most abundant biological entities on the planet and are increasingly used as biomedicines to eradicate antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria.
Tackling Norovirus with an improved disinfection system
Norovirus, also known in popular media as the ‘winter vomiting bug’ or ‘two-bucket winter bug’, is a highly infectious non-enveloped RNA virus that is a major cause of acute and chronic gastroenteritis.
Scientists discover new process to drive anti-viral immunity
Scientists have discovered a new process in our immune systems that leads to the production of an important family of anti-viral proteins called interferons.
Scientists developing microchips with brain and lung tissue to study viral neuroinflammation
Researchers will use tissue-on-chip technology to understand and treat neurological symptoms such as brain fog associated with respiratory diseases like influenza.
Study helps understand pain associated with viral infection
Through experiments in mice infected with a herpes virus, scientists have identified an immune system sensor that recognizes viral fragments and activates neurons responsible for pain, independently of inflammation.
HPV vaccination switch to 1-dose gender-neutral approach
Canadian vaccination programs could switch to a 1-dose gender-neutral human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination approach and eliminate cervical cancer, suggests new modelling.
Bacteria-fighting viruses team up to treat drug-resistant superbugs
Researchers screened a library of bacteriophages to find combinations of the viruses that can work together to fight antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections.