Young Innovators & Early Career Research

Early career research is crucial for science, and in delivering applied microbiology to the world. This page is focused on showcasing innovations and research from early career researchers across the globe and provides a hub for the latest news, opinions, careers advice and research for early career scientists. Discover how interdisciplinary colleagues from around the world are making advancements in, and through, applied microbiology.





Tadpoles try to flee dangerous virus in their pond by growing much faster than normal

A new study shows that larvae of wood frogs respond to the presence of a deadly ranavirus by growing and maturing precociously. In response to ranavirus, tadpoles change their growth, development, and resource allocation, which may help them tolerate the energetic demands of infection or escape risky environments to avoid infection.

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Guardians of the vineyard: Canines and chemistry work to combat powdery mildew

Researchers are now analyzing volatile chemicals emanating from grape leaves infected by a fungus called powdery mildew with the goal of improving training for vineyard canines that use their noses to detect infected vines.