All Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Function articles
Stalled microbiomes: cystic fibrosis disrupts early gut development in infants
A new study highlights key differences in the gut microbiome (communities of bacteria) of infants with cystic fibrosis (CF) compared to that of healthy infants, and how these alterations may adversely affect their health.
Researchers shed light on the mechanisms of bacterial flagellar motors
Researchers have determined the structure and mechanisms of the key components in the flagellar motor, which bacteria use to turn their flagella and move.
Scientists clarify relationships of earth tongues aka Geoglossomycetes
Researchers studied 34 samples of earth tongues from China, reconstructing the phylogenetic framework of Geoglossomycetes and introducing ten new species.
Scientists uncover phylogeny and species diversity of fungal family Thaxterogaster
A new study utilizes five-locus data from 112 species to propose a relatively complete phylogenetic framework for the genus Thaxterogaster.
Why some kids get sicker: The hidden power of nose bacteria
A scoping review unravels how bacterial colonization in the respiratory tract impacts both the severity of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections and long-term respiratory health in children.
Scientists discover unique microbes in Amazonian peatlands that could influence climate change
Researchers have identified an unknown family of microbes uniquely adapted to the waterlogged, low-oxygen conditions of tropical peatlands in Peru’s northwestern Amazonian rainforest.
The secret ‘sex lives’ of bacteria: Study challenges old ideas about how species form
Researchers discovered that microbial species form and maintain their distinct identities through unique way of genetic material exchange, especially via homologous recombination, apart from the common asexual reproductive method.
Morpho-phylogenetic evidence reveals novel hyphomycetous fungi on medicinal plants in Southwestern China
A survey of saprobic fungi on medicinal plants in Southwestern China identified 39 hyphomycetous collections belonging to Dictyosporiaceae, Melanommataceae, and Stachybotryaceae, representing 19 distinct species.
A new fungal discovery: Hypoxylon luteogranulatum from Thailand
A recent study identified Hypoxylon luteogranulatum, a newly and intriguing described fungal species within the family Hypoxylaceae.
New insights into Cortinarius: Novel taxa from subtropical China
Scientists have described one new section, six new species, and report one new name, one new combination, and one new record of Cortinarius from subtropical China. All new taxa are supported by phylogenetic data and morphological observations.
Researchers undercover how macronucleophagy ensures survival in nitrogen-starved yeast
Scientists sought to shed light on how macronucleophagy ensures the survival of nitrogen-starved S. cerevisiae and revealed that uncontrolled micronucleophagy due to the lack of normal macronucleophagy causes cell death.
Study reveals the hidden genomic evolution of brown algae - and how bacteria and viruses helped
A groundbreaking study has unveiled the evolutionary journey of brown algae through a comprehensive genomic analysis of 44 species, including key evolutionary milestones, such as the transition from unicellular to multicellular forms.
One new genus and 11 new species of fungi proposed
Scientists have proposed new taxa, combinations, and reports under the Didymiaceae and Physaraceae in China, mainly including 1 new genus and 11 new species.
Catalogue of fungi in China reveals new taxa of macrofungi from southern Xizang
During a field trip in July 2023 in the Himalayas, 882 specimens in six counties from the border area of Xizang, China were collected, among which 15 new macrofungal species were revealed and are described in the study.
Red Queen arms race over millions of years preserves genetic diversity in water flea
Host/parasite arms races can occur without interruption over many millions of years, a much longer period than previously thought, according to scientists who compared the genetic material of millimeter-sized water fleas infected by a parasitic bacterium.
The role of fungi in the Amazonian bioeconomy
The term bioeconomy is entering the mainstream and has brought discussions on sustainable development into the spotlight, in particular for the Amazon region.
Scientists unveil evidence for new groups of methane-producing organisms
A team of scientists has provided the first experimental evidence that two new groups of microbes thriving in thermal features in Yellowstone National Park produce methane.
Scientists investigate effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions against pathogens
Scientists have investigated the success of non-pharmaceutical interventions, analysing almost two million SARS-CoV-2 genomes that occurred in the German population during the years of the pandemic.
Ancient microbes offer clues to how complex life evolved
A single-celled organism, a close relative of animals, harbors the remnants of ancient giant viruses woven into its own genetic code, shedding light on how complex organisms may have acquired some of their genes.
Scientists build roadmap to bioengineer plants that produce their own nitrogen fertilizer
Nitrogen fertilizers make it possible to feed the world’s growing population, but they are also costly, harm ecosystems and require a lot of energy to manufacture. However, a few plants have evolved the ability to make their own nitrogen with the help of bacteria. A new study helps explain how ...