All Science Communications articles
Your voice matters: AMI teams up with the Minoritised Life Scientists Future Forum
Applied Microbiology International has announced that it is partnering with the Minoritised Life Scientists Future Forum (MLSFF) conference, which takes place at the end of March.
From Fox News to MSNBC: Diverse media diet linked to higher trust in vaccines
People who get their news from an ideologically diverse array of sources are more likely to get vaccinated, regardless of their political affiliation, new research shows.
Global trust in science remains strong after pandemic
A post-pandemic global survey reveals that the general public remains to perceive scientists as trustworthy. They are also encouraged to actively engage in public communication and address the areas researches should prioritize in.
Cases of whooping cough growing, but knowledge about it is lacking
Many in the public are not familiar with symptoms of whooping cough. Almost a third of respondents (30%) are not sure if pertussis is the same as whooping cough and not sure (30%) whether a vaccine exists to prevent it.
Study examines advantages of podcasts for sharing information on infectious diseases
A new study strikes a blow against medical misinformation by providing an expert guide to credible podcast sources – an especially valuable tool in infectious disease, where a host of conflicting and unreliable information circulates about COVID-19, vaccines and other topics.
COP29: Doomism is turning audiences off climate action - so let’s share the success stories
With governments under pressure to deliver on Net Zero targets, doomism in climate communication threatens to backfire and deter audiences from taking action. But microbiology’s stories of hope could be the inspiration we need.
Study reveals stubborn mistrust in COVID-19 vaccine science
A new study sheds light on public trust in COVID-19 vaccine science and its impact on vaccine acceptance in the United States from 2021 to 2023, finding that around one-third of respondents expressed mistrust in the science behind COVID-19 vaccines.
Humanities and health sciences join forces for infectious disease coursework
The key to better understanding the spread of infectious diseases may lie where the humanities and the health sciences meet.
‘Tiny biome tales’: playing a game to understand the human microbiome
Researchers have developed an interactive computer game that explains how important the microbiome is for our health and how it is influenced by our lifestyle and everyday decisions, such as playing in a sandbox, getting a pet or kissing someone.
Fear and vaccine hesitancy could fuel conspiracy beliefs, study finds
New research has shown that fear around vaccination can increase vaccine hesitancy, where conspiracy beliefs may then be used to justify not vaccinating, with these findings likely helping to inform more effective public health messaging.
Networking & communications advice for early career researchers
Professor Alan Walker shares some advice as part of a wider conversation with author Yang Yue.
Survey finds many have misconceptions about sexually transmitted infection risk
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are on the rise in the U.S., including an 80% increase in syphilis over a five-year period, but a new survey finds many Americans have misconceptions on how STIs are spread and who should be treated.
Social media use is associated with more frequent vaccination
Researchers have found that more social media use correlates with more vaccination – though the reason for this relationship is different for Democrats and Republicans.
Remote yet tight-knit: how my internship with AMI changed my outlook
Third year PhD student Chuen Lee spent 12 weeks interning with AMI’s Communications and Marketing Team - here’s how it went.
How vaccine messaging is framed makes a difference, new research reveals
A one-size-fits-all approach to communicating the benefits of vaccines isn’t effective. Message framing plays a crucial role depending on the mindset, so it requires communicating in different ways for different people, a new study says.
Negativity about vaccines surged on Twitter after COVID-19 jabs become available
There was a marked increase in negativity about vaccines on Twitter after COVID-19 vaccines became available, while spikes in the number of negative tweets coincided with announcements from healthcare authorities about vaccination.
Likeminded researchers all over the world - our experiences of FEMS
Two microbiologists successfully applied to AMI for a Scientific Conference Abstract Scholarship to attend the 10th FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists in July - and now they tell us what they got out of it.
Fancy yourself as a popular science author?
Louise Hill-King, Careers Editor for The Microbiologist, asks microbial ecologist and author Jake Robinson about his journey to getting Invisible Friends published.
Manufacturing certainty on the origin of Covid-19 is damaging to science
Alina Chan reveals why it’s dangerous to insist that the lab leak theory is dead in the water.
A lifetime in science communication
Ant-eating, army hospital tents and stand-up comedy - 18 years in science communication and what I’ve learned.