All phages articles
The Rahlff lab
The Aero-Aquatic Virus Research Group led by Dr. Janina Rahlff conducts basic research on microbial viruses from the surface microlayer, which is the 1-mm thick ‘skin’ of a water body’s surface, and in atmospheric ecosystems.
Scientists home in on viruses that can help ‘dial up’ carbon capture in the sea
Scientists are now zeroing in on the viruses most likely to combat climate change by helping trap carbon dioxide in seawater or, using similar techniques, different viruses that may prevent methane’s escape from thawing Arctic soil.
Callum Cooper appointed Deputy Editor of Letters in Applied Microbiology
Applied Microbiology International is delighted to announce that Callum Cooper of Sunderland University has been appointed as the new Deputy Editor for Letters in Applied Microbiology.