All Phage Therapy articles – Page 3
Plant bacteria deploy phage elements to wipe out the competition
A new study has found that plant bacterial pathogens are able to repurpose elements of their own phages to wipe out competing microbes, suggesting such elements could someday be harnessed as an alternative to antibiotics.
Malta hosts groundbreaking 7th World Conference on Targeting Phage Therapy 2024
The historic Corinthia Palace in Malta is set to host the 7th World Conference on Targeting Phage Therapy on June 20-21, 2024. This event will bring together the world’s foremost leaders and researchers in bacteriophage therapy, highlighting the growing importance and global interest in this innovative field. ...
Innovative phage lysin HY-133 enters phase I clinical study
HYpharm’s innovative preventive agent HY-133 has reached the first clinical trial phase. HY-133 is specifically effective against Staphylococcus aureus including multi-resistant strains and is intended to combat its colonisation in the nose.
Squeaks the cat makes full recovery after personalized phage therapy heals resistant wounds
A new study highlights the potential of phage therapy as an effective solution for antibiotic-resistant infections in veterinary practice, resulting in the complete healing of a persistent surgical wound after fourteen weeks.
Virocells: How the ‘home’ environment influences microbial interactions
Research into ocean virocells - bacteria infected by viruses, thus forming a new organism - has yielded fascinating new insights about how this merger of microbes affects, and is affected by, real-world surroundings.
Sea zombies: Viruses keep the most common marine bacteria in check
The ocean waters surrounding the German island of Helgoland provide an ideal setting to study spring algae blooms, a focus of research at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology since 2009. Source: Jan Brüwer/Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Sunset over the island of Helgoland in ...
Study provides new insights into phage therapy design
Results from a new study are providing new insights into the therapeutic potential of bacteriophage (phage) therapy for treating diseases like cystic fibrosis (CF).
Biophysicist F. William Studier awarded Merkin prize in biomedical technology
F. William Studier, a senior biophysicist emeritus at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, has won the 2024 Richard N. Merkin Prize in Biomedical Technology for his development in the 1980s of an efficient, scalable method of producing RNA and proteins in the laboratory. Source: ...
A new acquired defense strategy different from CRISPR activates anti-mycobacteriophage immunity
A new study suggests endogenous insertion sequences (ISs) in mycobacteria can activate the defensive gene islands, thereby helping bacteria quickly acquire a broad-spectrum anti-phage ability.
Researchers discover key functions of therapeutically promising jumbo viruses
Identifying core replication processes has moved scientists closer to tapping phage as a treatment in the growing antibiotic resistance crisis.
A virus could help save billions of gallons of wastewater produced by fracking
A new study details how bacteriophages, viruses that are often highly specific and lethal to a single species of bacteria, can be used as a rapid and cost-effective method to treat produced water on an industrial scale.
Scientists reveal interaction mechanism between intestinal microbial environment and tumor immune microenvironment
Scientists have unveiled the mechanism of tumor immune evasion mediated by the microorganism C. scindens in colorectal cancer. Additionally, they developed a phage-based intervention method.
Study details a common bacterial defense against viral infection
One of the many secrets to bacteria’s success is their ability to defend themselves from viruses, called phages, that infect bacteria and use their cellular machinery to make copies of themselves. Source: Mogana Das Murtey and Patchamuthu Ramasamy Bacillus cereus, SEM image Technological advances have enabled recent ...
Experts developing way to harness Nobel Prize winning CRISPR technology to deal with antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Scientists show how the latest CRISPR-Cas gene editing technology can be used to help modify and attack AMR bacteria.
Wastewater plant yields giant viruses that infect deadly parasite
Researchers have discovered giant viruses that infect the single-celled organism Naegleria fowleri which ranks among the deadliest human parasites.
Odor-causing bacteria in armpits targeted using bacteriophage-derived lysin
Researchers analyzed bacterial metabolism and the DNA of skin microflora in armpit fluid samples and found odor-causing precursors along with a proliferation of Staphylococcus hominis bacteria.
Gut bacteria can change their ‘software’ in reaction to inflammation
New research reveals an ingenious adaptation strategy used by gut microbes, allowing them to dynamically reprogram gene expression based on local conditions like inflammation or viral attacks.
Researchers resolve old mystery of how phages disarm pathogenic bacteria
Scientists observed how a phage called PP7 infects Pseudomonas aeruginosa by attaching to the pilus, which then retracts and pulls the phage to the cell surface.
UC San Diego donates blood samples to accelerate Actiphage TB diagnostic study
Sharing samples from a previous study will help to accelerate the development of a blood-based phage diagnostic for tuberculosis. PBD Biotech has asked if more researchers would be prepared to contribute samples they no longer require to help end TB.
Scientists discover new phage resistance mechanism in phage-bacterial arms race
Sscientists exploring the complex interactions of microbes in the oral microbiome discovered a new player influencing the phage-bacterial arms race – ultrasmall bacterial parasites, called Saccharibacteria or TM7.