All Oral Microbiome articles – Page 2
First narrow-spectrum antibiotic successfully eliminates Fusobacterium nucleatum in breakthrough study
Scientists found that FP 100 (Hygromycin A), a first-in-class, small molecule, narrow-spectrum antibiotic, successfully eradicates Fusobacterium nucleatum without harming the oral or gut microbiomes.
Protect your teeth with fruit and coconut: antimicrobial effects found in biomass compounds
To find an antibacterial that is easy to use and effective in preventing periodontal disease at all ages, researchers verified the antibacterial effect of seven different compounds against the periodontal pathogenic bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis.
Human mouth bacteria reproduce through rare form of cell division
New research has uncovered an extraordinary mechanism of cell division in Corynebacterium matruchotii. The filamentous bacterium doesn’t just divide, it splits into multiple cells at once, a rare process called multiple fission.
Scientists identify possible new transmission factor in hospital-acquired Klebsiella infections
The dangerous multidrug resistant (MDR) pathogen, Klebsiella, thrives under nutrient-deprived polymicrobial community conditions found in hospital environments, a new study reveals.
Scientists map role of Porphyromonas gingivalis in chemotherapy resistance
A new paper describes how the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis interferes with chemotherapy-induced mitophagy, allowing oral cancer tumors to become resistant to the drug’s effects.
Commonly used alcohol-based mouthwash brand disrupts the balance of oral microbiome
Researchers have identified a significant change in composition and abundance of bacteria in study participants’ oral microbiomes after using a popular brand of alcohol-based mouthwash.
Matcha mouthwash inhibits bacteria that causes periodontitis
Matcha, a finely ground green tea powder, may help inhibit the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis, one of the chief bacterial culprits behind periodontitis.
Researchers conduct first-ever study to characterize microbiota in saliva of weaned piglets on commercial farms in Brazil
The results show that oral fluid bacteria differ from fecal and environmental bacteria. Identification of these microorganisms can help diagnose infectious diseases and improve pork production.
Gut microbiome continually evolves as pregnancy progresses
A new study reveals the patterns of microbial dysbiosis associated with different pregnancy complications, providing an theoretical basis for elucidating the baseline characteristics of the microbiome in pregnant women.
Scientists discover new phage resistance mechanism in phage-bacterial arms race
Sscientists exploring the complex interactions of microbes in the oral microbiome discovered a new player influencing the phage-bacterial arms race – ultrasmall bacterial parasites, called Saccharibacteria or TM7.
Oral bacteria accelerate pancreatic cancer development in mice: research reveals key findings
A new study unveils a significant connection between oral bacteria and pancreatic cancer development in mice and sheds light on a previously recognized link between oral health and pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest forms of cancer.
Rapid specific detection of oral pathogens using CRISPR-based diagnostics
A study aiming to develop a low-cost, rapid detection technique for the widescale detection and screening of oral microorganisms suitable for point-of-care settings was presented at the 102nd General Session of the IADR.
Our bacteria are more personal than we thought, study shows
The trillions of bacteria that call your body home appear to be unique to you, like a fingerprint, concludes a detailed study of the gut, mouth, nose and skin microbiomes of 86 people.
‘Artificial tongue’ detects and inactivates common mouth bacteria
Researchers have designed a chemical sensor array, or an artificial tongue, that distinguishes dental bacteria and can inactivate them.
Bacterial metabolite activates another species to produce bad breath
Researchers find that a metabolite produced by the commensal oral bacterium Streptococcus gordonii activates another bacterial species, Fusobacterium nucleatum, to produce the malodorous compound methyl mercaptan.
Gargling away the bad bacteria in type 2 diabetes can help to control blood sugar
Researchers have found that gargling with an antiseptic mouthwash can reduce ‘bad’ bacteria in the mouths of people with type 2 diabetes, and may lead to better control of their blood sugar.
Bacteria in the mouth linked to pulmonary fibrosis survival
Bacteria in the mouth may play a role in survival from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a new study finds.
Microbes reveal Mesolithic tooth decay and gum disease
Members of a hunter-gatherer group that lived in south-western Scandinavia during the Mesolithic era — approximately 10,000 years ago — may have been affected by tooth decay and gum disease, according to a new microbial study.
Study uncovers how gum disease aggravates COPD
A new study shows how periodontitis, an oral disease, activates immune cells associated with aggravated progression of COPD.
Shining a light on microbes from the past with molecular paleomicrobiology
Is there a way to objectively address the history of microorganisms?
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