All Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich articles
Nasal microbiome: friendly pirates deprive multi-resistant bugs of iron
A new study reveals that whether dangerous staphylococci survive in the nose depends on what other bacteria are present – and how they obtain iron.
Microscopic fungi enhance soil carbon storage in new landscapes created by shrinking Arctic glaciers
Melting Arctic glaciers are in rapid recession, and microscopic organisms colonise the newly exposed landscapes. A new study reveals that yeasts play an important role in soil formation in the Arctic after glaciers have melted away.
Young scientists spearhead breakthrough COVID-19 research
A molecular biophysics study investigates how coronavirus variants of concern attachment strength to human cells influences COVID-19’s spread and transmissibility.
Bacteria can switch from rare earth metals to radioactive elements
Scientists have demonstrated for the first time that bacteria can use certain radioactive elements to sustain their metabolism.
Bats disturbed by humans are more frequently infected with coronaviruses
Bats in human-dominated ecosystems have a higher prevalence of coronaviruses, increasing the possibility that these could be transmitted to humans.
Amoebae inspire model describing self-organisation in robots
Researchers at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) have developed a new model to describe how biological or technical systems form complex structures without external guidance.