All articles by Linda Stewart – Page 207
COVID-19 reanimates latent viruses in cells – particularly in ME patients
Researchers have found that COVID-19 reactivates viruses that had become latent in cells following previous infections, particularly in people with chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as ME/CFS.
Antibiotic resistant microbes in gut make C difficile more infectious
Scientists have found that Enterococcus – an antibiotic-resistant, opportunistic pathogen – works together with Clostridioides difficile in the human gut, reshaping and enhancing the metabolic environment in the gut so that C. difficile can thrive.
Duplicate genes play key role in formation of legumes’ nitrogen fixing structures
Researchers have found that a duplication of the genes plays a key role in the processes governing the formation of symbiotic structures between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and leguminous plants.
SARS-CoV-2 alters functioning of RNA in infected cells
Researchers have shown that infection by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, changes the functioning of host cell RNA.
Humps and bumps provide home for microbes jumpstarting soil formation in glacial moraine
Scientists have discovered how topographical irregularities in barren substrates exposed by a melting Himalayan glacier are driving the formation of a variety of pioneering microbial communities that will pave the way for soil formation.
AMI’s sponsorship of Daphne Jackson Fellow supports scientists returning after career break
AMI Chief Executive, Lucy Harper, has spoken about the benefits of sponsoring a Daphne Jackson Fellow.
Probiotic ‘backpacks’ could treat inflammatory bowel diseases
Researchers have devised specialised nano-particles that can neutralise molecules linked to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and can be attached to beneficial probiotic bacteria targeting the gut.
Manuel Simões appointed as Deputy Editor for the Journal of Applied Microbiology
Applied Microbiology International is delighted to announce that Manuel Simões of the University of Porto has been appointed as new Deputy Editor for the Journal of Applied Microbiology.
Shortlist announced for Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022
The finalists have now been announced for the Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022, which take place in London on November 29.
Good friendships may make for a healthier gut microbiome
Researchers have found that sociable monkeys have more beneficial gut bacteria and fewer harmful gut bacteria.
AMI’s pitch on bacteriophages is winner of My Science Inquiry
Applied Microbiology International’s pitch to explore bacteriophages as an alternative to antimicrobial drugs has been selected by the Commons Science and Technology Committee as the winner of the My Science inquiry.
Restoring the gut biome after antibiotics could lead to better outcomes for ovarian cancer patients
Antibiotics routinely used in ovarian cancer care indiscriminately kill gut bacteria, leading to faster cancer progression and lower survival rates, according to recent Cleveland Clinic research.
Gut parasites could aid the spread of respiratory bugs in rabbits
Researchers have found that co-infection with one or more gut parasites increases shedding of Bordetella bacterium and could increase onward transmission.
Winner of Basil Jarvis Prize to be announced at Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022
This year’s winner of the Basil Jarvis Prize is to be announced at the Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022 later this month.
Dorothy Jones Prize winner to be announced at Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022
The winner of the Dorothy Jones Prize will be announced at theApplied Microbiology International Awards 2022 later this month.
Winner of WH Pierce Prize will be announced at Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022
The winner of the WH Pierce Prize is due to be announced later this month at the Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022.
Viruses deploy CRISPR system to thwart bacterial defences
Researchers have shown that viruses engineered with a CRISPR-Cas system can thwart bacterial defenses and make selective changes to a targeted bacterium – even when other bacteria are in close proximity.
Gold mine bacterium can clean arsenic-polluted wastewater within days
A bacterium found in a former gold mine in Poland can clean up industrial wastewater polluted with arsenic, selenium and metals within days, researchers have discovered.
Bird flu ‘could hit food availability in run-up to Christmas’
Kingston University Professor of Medical Microbiology Mark Fielder explains why the current strain of avian influenza is so contagious, how best to control the spread and the effect the outbreak is having on farmers, retailers and the UK economy.
Monkeypox mutations cause virus to spread rapidly and dodge vaccines
Researchers at the University of Missouri have identified the specific mutations in the monkeypox virus that contribute to its continued infectiousness.