All Kenneth Timmis articles
Likeminded researchers all over the world - our experiences of FEMS
Two microbiologists successfully applied to AMI for a Scientific Conference Abstract Scholarship to attend the 10th FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists in July - and now they tell us what they got out of it.
Microbes can create a more peaceful world: Scientists call to action
Microorganisms should be ‘weaponised’ to stave off conflicts across the globe, according to a team of eminent microbiologists. The paper ‘Weaponising microbes for peace’ by Anand et al, outlines the ways in which microbes and microbial technologies can be used to tackle global and local challenges that could otherwise ...
Kenneth Timmis wins prestigious award for achievements in microbiology
The 2023 FEMS-Lwoff Award for Achievements in Microbiology has been awarded to Professor Kenneth Timmis, former Editor-in-Chief of AMI journals Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology Reports and Microbial Biotechnology.