All Immunology articles – Page 5
‘Perfect storm’ of mutations drives infection-triggered autoimmune disease
Scientists have discovered how a hepatitis C infection causes autoimmune disease, disproving a long-standing theory and opening a promising new approach to developing treatments for autoimmune conditions.
Genetic mutation linked to higher SARS-CoV-2 risk
Researchers have identified a novel genetic risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection, providing new insights into the virus’ ability to invade human cells.
Promising COVID-19 vaccine development in animal trials
Researchers developed a COVID-19 vaccine that deploys virus-like particles (VLPs) for immunity stimulation in mice.
T cells’ capability to fully prevent acute viral infections opens new avenues for vaccine development
Scientists have discovered that T cells—white blood cells that can destroy harmful pathogens—can completely prevent viral infection, to an extent previously thought only possible due to neutralising antibodies.
Plant cells gain immune capabilities when it’s time to fight disease
New research reveals how plant cells switch roles to protect themselves against pathogens. When a threat is encountered, the cells enter a specialized immune state and temporarily become PRimary IMmunE Responder (PRIMER) cells.
Study uncovers how a new gut microbe drives the gut-lung axis
New findings highlight how a little-known member of the gut microbiome reshapes the lung immune environment to have both beneficial and detrimental effects on respiratory health.
Seasonal flu vaccine study reveals host genetics’ role in vaccine response
Scientists have found that influenza subtype-bias is primarily driven by host genetics, particularly major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class-II polymorphisms, with prior exposure playing a secondary role.
The surprising role of gut infection in Alzheimer’s disease
A new study implicates link between a common virus and the disease, which travels from the gut to the brain and may be a target for antiviral treatments.
The role of understudied dysfunctional immune cells in severe COVID-19: new research
A new study focuses on understanding how ‘notoriously understudied’ immune cells behave abnormally in patients with severe COVID-19 and provides insights into mechanism behind COVID-19 disease progression.
‘Unbreakable’ Lassa vaccine shows promising results
A live-attenuated vaccine candidate against Lassa virus completely protected guinea pigs exposed to an otherwise lethal dose of the virus, researchers have reported.
After lockdown, immune system reacts more strongly to viruses and bacteria
The lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on people’s immune response to microorganisms. During the lockdown, inflammation level in the body was low, but afterwards, the immune system reacted more intensely to viruses and bacteria.
Start-up EBViously announces its launch
EBViously, a spin-off of Helmholtz Munich, officially started operations on 11 November 2024. The company is developing a preventive vaccine against diseases caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
Bad bacteria can trigger painful gut contractions; new research shows how
After a meal of questionable seafood or a few sips of contaminated water, bad bacteria can send your digestive tract into overdrive. Your intestines spasm and contract, efficiently expelling everything in the gut. Source: Parthasarathy Lab and Guillemin Lab Immune cells (magenta) and cells expressing a reporter of ...
Staphylococcus aureus thwarts vaccines by turning on a protein that halts immune response
Approximately 30 clinical trials to date have failed to result in an effective human vaccine for Staphylococcus aureus but researchers have now identified a key reason for these failures, indicating that it may be possible to modify the vaccines to work in humans.
A dial for tuning the immune system: Discovery sheds light on why COVID makes some sicker than others
A new study identifies an “immune system tuning dial,” which originated as a bug in the genetic code tens of millions of years ago. When this signaling goes awry and leads the body to under or overreact, people are more likely to develop severe or Long COVID.
Global research uncovers critical weakness in malaria parasite
Scientists exploring how immunity develops against Plasmodium falciparum found that broadly reactive antibodies from various individuals consistently bound to the same site on a key virulence protein of the malaria parasite.
Researchers uncover role of Cul3/Diap2/Dredd axis in mediating the host antimicrobial immune defense
Researchers combined a series of genetics, immunology and molecular biology approaches to confirm that Cul3 plays an essential role in the Drosophila antimicrobial immune defense.
Researchers call for global discussion about possible risks from ‘mirror bacteria’
A group of researchers has published new findings on potential risks from the development of mirror bacteria — synthetic organisms in which all molecules have reversed chirality (i.e. are ‘mirrored’).
Researchers uncover how bat-origin pathogenic viruses manipulate human cell death and inflammation
A new study offers insights into cell death regulation by viruses like SARS-CoV-2, and how bats and humans respond differently to tricks that such viruses use to manipulate the host’s defense.
Updated Hep B vaccine more effective for people with HIV
A newer vaccine against hepatitis B virus was clearly superior to an older vaccine type in inducing a protective antibody response among people living with HIV who didn’t respond to prior vaccination, according to an international study.