Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a remarkably common condition among women of reproductive age, affecting as many as a third of all women at any given time. Yet it remains surprisingly elusive.
Read storyThe number of infectious syphilis diagnoses has reached a new high over the past decade, with an 184.4% rise in reported cases between 2013 and 2023. But what is syphilis and what are the risks?
Over the last decade, there has been a paradigm shift from investigating single organisms and single target treatments towards studying the totality of an environment.
Read a round-up of the latest advancements in microbiology and space exploration
World Rabies Day is celebrated each year on the 28th of September to raise awareness for rabies prevention and to shine a light on progress in defeating the disease.
While the North East (NE) Indian Himalaya are famous for their stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity, the region faces numerous agricultural challenges that threaten environmental sustainability and food safety.
As we strive towards a Net Zero society that is based on clean, green, and renewable technologies rather than fossil fuels, we are creating a new and intensifying reliance on another essential resource: metals.
The year 2023 was the warmest since global temperature records were established in 1850. Discover the role of free-living amoebae in the transmission of waterborne pathogens and human infection, in the context of rising global temperatures.
The gut microbiome has been tied to our reproductive health through its ability to produce, break down, and modify sex hormones.
There is increasing evidence that this association between a host and its microbes not only determines health and disease but also influences the behaviour of humans and other animals.
Discover for the first time, new information and images about Fanny Angelina Hesse, and one of the most important inventions in microbiology.
Is there a way to objectively address the history of microorganisms?