All Environmental Microbiology articles – Page 7
Kenneth Timmis wins prestigious award for achievements in microbiology
The 2023 FEMS-Lwoff Award for Achievements in Microbiology has been awarded to Professor Kenneth Timmis, former Editor-in-Chief of AMI journals Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology Reports and Microbial Biotechnology.
Microscopic algae movements can be mapped in fine detail
The movement patterns of microscopic algae can be mapped in greater detail than ever before, giving new insights into ocean health, thanks to new technology developed at the University of Exeter.
Researchers develop silicone sponge that sucks up microbial dark matter
A team of researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has developed a “sponge” made of porous, formable silicone embedded in a chip, which can suck up unknown microorganisms in the environment for further research.
Microbiome in wood warbler’s gut driven by evolution rather than diet
Scientists have found that differences among the microbes that live within wood warblers’ digestive tracts are not primarily driven by diet diversity, contrary to a recently proposed hypothesis.
Disease-resistant corals can rescue their more vulnerable neighbours
Disease-resistant corals can be used to help “rescue” corals that are more vulnerable to disease, according to a study from the University of California, Davis, that monitored a disease outbreak at a coral nursery in Little Cayman, Cayman Islands.
Gold mine bacterium can clean arsenic-polluted wastewater within days
A bacterium found in a former gold mine in Poland can clean up industrial wastewater polluted with arsenic, selenium and metals within days, researchers have discovered.
Carnivore gut microbes can predict health of wild ecosystems
Gut microbes of wild marten (Martes americana) that live in relatively pristine natural habitat is distinct from the gut microbiome of wild marten that live in areas that are more heavily impacted by human activity, researchers have found. The finding highlights an emerging tool that will allow researchers and ...
Gull droppings undermine efforts to control spread of colistin-resistance genes
Gull droppings at beaches in the Porto region of Portugal are riddled with bacteria that are resistant to the ‘last-resort’ antibiotic colistin, undermining efforts in the livestock sector to reduce colistin-resistance, according to a paper published in Environmental Microbiology, an Applied Microbiology International publication. Researchers at the ...
New dataset reveals biological “treasure trove” of Arctic Ocean microbiomes
A major new project uncovering the biological life of the central Arctic Ocean with emphasis on microbiomes will help benchmark biodiversity change in the Arctic Ocean and guide conservation efforts by identifying unique species and assessing their extinction risk.
Researchers create ‘Wikipedia of resistant bacteria’ based on 214k microbiome samples
Researchers at DTU in Denmark have created a new tool in the fight against resistant bacteria that, based on 214,000 microbiome samples, can create an overview of the problem across countries, people and environments.
Long Reads
Playing with fire: how wildfire shapes the soil microbiome of the Colorado Rockies
The high-elevation coniferous forests in the southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado (USA) provide more than just a beautiful landscape for winter sports and hiking: they are vital ecosystems that provide myriad ecosystem services.
The impact of rising seawater levels and subsequent flooding on microbial communities
Anthropogenic induced climate change has raised global sea levels and caused an amplification of coastal flooding events.
Pesticide contamination: what can microbiologists do?
Agricultural production of food has more than doubled in the last century, enabled in part by the use of pesticides and other agrochemicals
Should bacteriophages be included in the environmental surveillance of risks associated with antimicrobial resistance?
The contribution of phage to environmental antibiotic resistance should not be underestimated.
Long Reads
Food, medicine and bioremediation: fungus is the future
The answers to most of our current and future problems could lie beneath our feet in undiscovered soil fungi, in pristine forests and woodlands or in our global banks of discovered fungi.