All deformed wing virus articles
Honey bees may play key role in spreading viruses to wild bumble bees
Honey bees may play a role in increasing virus levels in wild bumble bees each spring, according to researchers who analyzed seasonal trends of parasite and virus transmission in bees.
Dangerous bee virus growing less deadly in at least one US forest, researchers find
The findings suggest the virus can evolve to be less severe and could help inform solutions to mitigate the virus in managed honey bee colonies.
Research on bee virus origins uncovers buzz-worthy breakthrough
A study of deformed wing virus, a key driver in declines among European honey bee populations, show that one of the most common strains, DWV-A, originated in Asia and not Europe, as previously suggested.
Immune-boosting therapy helps honey bees resist deadly viruses
Scientists have successfully tested a novel way of boosting honey bees’ immune systems to help them fend off deadly viruses, which have contributed to the major losses of the critical pollinator globally.