Cookie policy

The Microbiologist website uses both ‘First Party Cookies’, which are set by The Microbiologist website, and ‘Third Party Cookies’, which are set by another service e.g. Google Maps. We’ve listed all cookies below, with more information about why we use them and how long they last.

.ASPXAUTH  Indicates the user is logged in. Contains user specific information such as user ID in encrypted form 
ADFEAuthCookie  Use to authenticate user when they log in to the site 
ADmessage_4  related to subscription renewal message 
ADmessage_session_4  related to subscription renewal message 
ASP.NET_SessionId  Used for managing the user’s session while browsing around the site 
AgentCookie  When logged in, used to identify user’s browser and device 
AnonUserCookie  Managing session stage when not logged in 
CT_CookiePolicyEnabled  Dropped when cookie policy has been accepted 
_ga  Used by Google Analytics 
_gat  Used by Google Analytics 
ai_session  Application Insights - helps to monitor site performance 
ai_user  Application Insights - helps to monitor site performance 
sp_  Spam filter 
_AntiXsrfToken  Stores information used to guarantee the origin of HavaScript requests 
DSID Used by
IDE Used by
RUL Used by