All Community articles – Page 8
Algorithm effectively predicts transmission mode of syphilis in patients
A new algorithm designed to simulate and predict syphilis transmission in China has been found to effectively reflect the transmission mode of the disease in patients and could be used in a web app to help prevent and control the disease worldwide.
How Tanushree’s AMI prize money helped next gen scientists search out antimicrobials
2022’s winner of AMI’s Basil Jarvis Prize, Tanushree Gupta of AgResearch in New Zealand, used her prize money to fund an internship investigating new antimicrobials. Intern Landry Maquet reveals how his research has been going.
Innovative health initiative supported villagers to clean up their drinking water
Supported by AMI’s Outreach and Engagement Grant, the Health Humanities Outreach (H2O) Initiative has enabled local people to improve drinking water quality in Itchi-Agu in Nigeria, a village where more than half of households had reported diarrhoea.
Microplastics affect soil fungi depending on drought conditions
Moisture levels in the soil can impact the effects that microplastic pollution has on soil fungi, according to new research published in Environmental Microbiology, an Applied Microbiology International publication.
Dr Ben Swift named as winner of Basil Jarvis Prize
Dr Ben Swift of the Royal Veterinary College in the UK has been named as this year’s winner of the Basil Jarvis Prize for microbiology.
Is climate change driving an increase in cases of anthrax?
The anthrax outbreak in Africa could be a harbinger of more to come, with climate change creating opportunities for the emergence of more cross-over strains capable of causing anthrax-like infections.
Dr Taniya RoyChowdhury named as winner of the inaugural Christiana Figueres Prize 2023
Dr Taniya RoyChowdhury of Woodwell Climate Research Center in the US has been named as this year’s winner of the inaugural Christiana Figueres Prize for microbiology.
Research reveals how Halopseudomonas devours polyester urethane
Researchers have shown how bacteria of the genus Halopseudomonas break down common plastic coatings made of polyester urethane, underlying the relevance of the newly isolated bacterium for the biodegradation of plastics.
New pasteurization method wipes out pathogens on buckwheat sprouting seeds, study shows
A new pasteurization technique uses plasma, vacuum packaging and hot water to inactivate food pathogens on buckwheat seeds, cutting the risk of food poisoning outbreaks without preventing the seeds from sprouting. The technique, which reduces the total time for seed pasteurization,was developed by scientists at Kyonggi University ...
Dr Thomas Thompson named as winner of inaugural John Snow Prize
Dr Thomas Thompson of Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland has been named as this year’s winner of the inaugural John Snow Prize for microbiology. The prize is part of the Applied Microbiology International Horizon Awards, which celebrate the brightest minds in the field and promote the ...
Call for papers for themed Pseudomonas collection in Letters in Applied Microbiology
The journal Letters in Applied Microbiology is to run a themed collection on ’Emerging Horizons in Pseudomonas Biotechnology – Innovations from Early-Career Researchers’.
Catch-22: the FDA, probiotics, and preterm infants
As the FDA issues warning letters about probiotic products sold for use in hospitalized preterm infants, families of babies threatened by necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) now face a deadly Catch-22 situation.
New study considers risks of colistin and carbapenem resistance posed by aquatic farms
Aquatic farms could serve as a potential reservoir of colistin and carbapenem resistance, a new study warns. The review, by researchers at the University of Manchester, ‘An Update on the Prevalence of Colistin and Carbapenem-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria in Aquaculture: an Emerging Threat to Public Health’, has been accepted by the ...
Professor Brajesh Kumar Singh named as winner of the Dorothy Jones Prize 2023
Distinguished Professor Brajesh Singh of Western Sydney University has been named as this year’s winner of the Dorothy Jones Prize for microbiology.
World Soil Day: AMI’s focus on the microbes beneath our feet
This World Soil Day, Applied Microbiology International turns the spotlight on some of the tiniest yet key promoters of soil health - its microbiota.
Silk fibroin and genipin boost strength of sand moulds created with help of microbes
Scientists in China have found a way to strengthen sand moulds engineered with the help of microbes, delivering a way to make low-carbon cement-based composites and reducing the environmental impact of traditional construction materials.
Harnessing the power beneath our feet
Dr Nicola Holden, from Applied Microbiology International’s Food Security Scientific Advisory Group, reports back on the AMI conference ’The Power of Microbes in Sustainable Crop Production’, recently held at the John Innes Centre in the UK.
Uttam Superrhiza named as winner of Applied Microbiology International Product of the Year 2023
Mycorrhiza biofertilizer Uttam Superrhiza has been named as the winner of the Applied Microbiology International Product of the Year 2023.
Dr Raquel Peixoto named as winner of the inaugural Rachel Carson Prize 2023
Dr Raquel Peixoto of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia has been named as this year’s winner of the inaugural Rachel Carson Prize for microbiology.
Dr Christopher Stewart named as winner of WH Pierce Prize
Dr Christopher Stewart of Newcastle University in the UK has been named as this year’s winner of the WH Pierce Prize for microbiology.