All Be inspired articles – Page 4
The paths that made us: Learning to be grateful for the moments that made us who we are
Gloom and dark clouds have veiled the way at times, but I am grateful for where my alternative path has led me - miles from anything I could have pictured, but still a place of joy and love.
Fancy yourself as a popular science author?
Louise Hill-King, Careers Editor for The Microbiologist, asks microbial ecologist and author Jake Robinson about his journey to getting Invisible Friends published.
Doing something scary every week
Professor James Ebdon’s experience of pitching bacteriophages to the Commons Science and Technology Committee.
Bringing water and sanitation to the world
Find out what it takes to be the Global Director, Insights for a global nonprofit organisation helping to ensire access to safe drinking water worldwide.
Extreme edge - our interview with Sustainable Microbiology’s first Editor-in-Chief David Pearce
David Pearce, Editor-in-Chief of Sustainable Microbiology, the latest scientific journal launched by Applied Microbiology International, talks adaptability, environmental microbiology and life at a polar research station.
Finding resilience amidst sea turtle-associated microbes
I remember one summer afternoon as a teenager, buying second-hand schoolbooks and finding a rugged veterinarian handbook on parasitic infections – it felt like I’d found a treasure someone had misplaced. Little did I know that the enthusiasm for tiny and weird critters would lead to a journey where years ...
VIDEO: Jonathan Van-Tam fields questions from early career scientists at Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022
Former Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jonathan Van-Tam delivered fascinating insights during a Q&A session with early career scientists at the Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022.
Engaging Nepal with Science
Discover how the creators of the Meet the Microbes project have shared their passion for science education with over 2000 participants in 36 schools.
Keeping creativity at the heart of science
Graduate student Emily Davenport sits down with Associate Professor Arpita Bose to discuss funding opportunities, life’s path and what a career in science means to different people.
A lifetime in science communication
Ant-eating, army hospital tents and stand-up comedy - 18 years in science communication and what I’ve learned.
Establishing a global skilled network for women in science leadership
The Homeward Bound initiative is designed to empower and equip 1,000 women over a 10-year period with the skillsets to enhance their leadership and impact decision-making for a sustainable future.
Impact beyond the university walls
How I gave up a very good job with Aquascutum to follow my passion for science - and ended up combining microbiology and textiles.
A settled career plan?
Many scientists dropped everything to support the response to COVID-19, putting their own careers on hold and not only changing the type of work that they did, but also the lives that they led.
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