This special issue features content from across The Microbiologist on marine ecosystems, ocean sustainability, and the ways in which microbiologists are leveraging these environments in biotech and beyond. The issue will be updated across the month of March 2025 and include news, features, careers and opinion. If you would like to feature your work in this issue, please contact the editorial team. This issue was guest edited by Dr Elizabeth Archer.
Oil spills across large areas of seawater disturb oxygen circulation for marine organisms, cause hypothermia in birds, adversely affect navigation routes, and hinder anthropogenic actions like fisheries and tourism. Biological treatments appear to be a promising method and offer a sustainable solution.
Read storyBiofilms are ubiquitous in aquatic systems, where they play essential ecological roles in nutrient cycling, biogeochemical processes, and surface colonisation dynamics.
The rapid expansion of the global human population and the increase in industrial and agricultural activities have led to severe environmental contamination. To remedy the situation, green technology has become more prevalent in recent years due to its numerous environmental benefits.
Ocean pollution is widespread and worsening by the day. From oil spills to garbage accumulation in the Pacific, marine ecosystems are in dire need of a solution.
Our special issue for April 2025 will be entitled Low-technology Solutions for Clean Water. If you would like to feature your work in the next issue, please contact the editorial team. Access to previous special issues can be found here.